This health page exists to pass on to you information about health issues relating to chocolate in so far as the owner and staff of Chocolate Therapy™ & Schoc Chocolates™ understands that health information. To me, science says one thing one day then the opposite the next, therefore science must be fluid always changing so please do your own research and please do not regard any of the information on this page or site, as a medical or therapeutic consultation.
Who cares?
We do. Because we love chocolate. We also love health.
We, at Schoc, consider that we don’t have to justify to anyone or make excuses for and about chocolate and nor should you. Just enjoy it.
But for those who need to be converted this may be a start. For you chocophilles, this serves as reinforcement (as if you need it).
Quick Checklist on Health Benefits
High Quality Chocolate is good for you because it
- contains the chemical phenolaythylamines (PEA) that we create naturally when we are excited or “in love”
- supports healthy circulation
- is high in antioxidants- flavenoids – for healthy cells
- supports a healthy baby when eaten during pregnancy
- soothing support for hormonal and mood balance
- contains magnesium
We are about the knowledge of chocolate, CHOCOLOGY and what it does to us on a level of;
- Physio-philosophy…Awareness of MYSELF
- Physio-psychology…Comprehension of MYSELF
- Physio-physiology…Method for MYSELF